Membership Engagement Committee Statement on Racial Injustice

Membership Engagement Committee Statement on Racial Injustice
February 2021

As a  Jesuit Catholic institution inspired by the spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola and a community of  witnesses of the Jesuit martyrs of El Salvador and their companions, we believe in the dignity of each and every person. We denounce racism and white terror in all forms and commit to working to confront and tear down white supremacy and systemic racial injustice.

In this particular moment we denounce the white supremacists who led a violent attack and attempted coup on the capitol on January 6, 2021. We denounce the continued police violence against people of color- in particular our Black siblings. We denounce and stand in solidarity with the Asian community being targeted by racist terrorists and fueled by a national dialogue that promotes Anti-Asian racism and xenophobia. As the chair of the membership committee please know we stand in solidarity with you. We have convened an  ad hoc committee to prepare policy recommendations for the USFFA board and leadership of this University.

Please take a moment of silence to lift up in your thoughts the family and friends of all those who have been attacked and killed as a result of white terror. We remember in particular Vicha Ratanapakdee who was attacked on January 31, 2021 and later died of his injuries.

written by Jane Bleasdale